“Gomaya Vasate Lakshmi” – the sentence from the ancient Indian scripture means “Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity dwells in a cow”, is exemplified before the present generation here at Shree Ram Krushna Trust by making variety of attractive products using holy gobar (cow dung). We intend to prove that a cow is not a poor creature but it can be the means to prosperity.

In addition to fertilizer, making of such products that are attractive, decent and quite useful in daily household, is called Gobar Craft (cow dung craft)

Once there was a time in India when every home had been plastered on all its walls with a Gobar(Cow dung) paste but this valuable and healthy tradition has almost been vanished. Considering the need of an hour, Gobar craft is created with a view to bringing gobar (cow dung) back into homes and accomplishing the maxim “Ghar Ghar Gobar” means “Gobar in Every Home”. At present more than 30 articles have been made and they are gaining popularity.

Gobar Craft Products